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Are the product prices listed on turnkeymaster.com and the templates' live preview the prices my customers will see on my store?No, these are your cost. Learn more here.
Will new products be added automatically to my turnkey store regularly?Learn how you could add new products to your webstore
What is private labeling service? What are included when I sign up for the private labeling?Learn more about our private labels service
How do I get paid when customers order on my site?Learn more on how you get paid by your customers
What kind of fee do I have to pay for using the service provided by Turnkeymaster.com?You can learn more about our pricing plans and packages here.
Can I set my own selling price/ product prices on my store? How do I do that?Yes, you decide what price you wish to sell by making changes on the profit margin in the back office.
How does turnkeymaster work?Turnkeymaster provides everything you need in your online business from building a webstore to shipping out goods to your customers. Learn how turnkey solution works for your business
What kind of value does Turnkeymaster offers that differentiate themselves from other dropshippers?The value we offer is what distinguishes us from other dropshippers. Learn more.
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